The artist is willing to consider sculpting your
Living Miracle Baby.

She will need;

 1.Good quality front and profile (color photo copies of photos of your baby) 
Artist does not accept original photos that must be returned.
 You can email these to the artist. Or you can send her a photo CD of your Miracle Baby or send her the URL of your Miracle Baby's web site. 

2.Artist requires rights to use these photos for publicity of sales of future dolls and all rights to more dolls in the image of your child from her original sculpture and the molds she will create to make your doll in resin.
Proceeds will be used to help greiving parents and parents who cannot afford a portait doll of their baby. Also the artist donates dolls to charity, and the profits from sales of dolls is use to help defray the cost of these donations. 

3. All baby's measurements at birth will be required. 

4.Photo copies of your child's handprints and footprints also required.

Photos must be of the age you are requesting. Older photos are helpful but artist will only sculpt birth poses and features of the miracle baby at birth. 

This process may take up to a year or more for the artist to complete, depending on demand, artist health and finances.

 The artist retains all copywrites to the image she sculpts, and will use the molds she makes of your doll to make and sell other dolls in the same image for profit.

Customer will recieve the very first well cast resin doll from the molds signed by the artist as the number one edition.

The doll will be named with your child's first name.

Artist also requires the right to use a short snyopsis of your child's miracle birth to tell the world how much of a miracle your baby is.

For safety no last names or addresses will be used in this synopsis, or any publicity of the doll.

The artist will use a portion of the profits from the sales of subsequent dolls in you child's image to underwrite the cost of making dolls for greiving parents of miscarriage. See our sister site for more and to fund donations to and local crisis pregnancy centers. The artist is pro-life and a trained C.P.C. counselor.
Your Name:

Your Email:

Url of your baby's web site:

Telephone number:

Gestational age of your baby at birth: 

Your Shipping address: 

Would you like to show and tell the world about your Miracle Baby and how God helped you get through the birth?

 Think your Miracle Baby is beautifull and their birth story is inspiring enough to be a model?

 Consider a portrait doll made of your Miracle Baby at birth.

Short synopsis of your child's Miracle birth.
Below is information you will need for possible sculpting of a portrait doll Also you will need to fill out the contract that you must sign and snail mail to the artist 
Miracle baby dolls artist, 
Box 4068
Elmira, NY 14904
The artist is a fulltime elementary art teacher and does most of the sculpting in her summers off. She has 4 young children also and her time is valuable like yours.She is also the mother of 4 miracle children, twins born at 32 weeks gestation and the mother of a little one in heaven born at 8 weeks gestation who is now in heaven with Jesus.

Price for sculpting and creating a resin doll in your child's image will be $150.00 a pound according to the weight of your child at birth.

This will include the artist making;

One Original sculpt in polymer clay, which will not be the doll you recieve.In order to make a resin doll mold of the original doll parts will be made to cast the resin into.
( During the mold making process the original is always broken.) All Molds will remain the property of the artist.

1 hand cast resin head, 
2 resin hands 
and 2 resin feet
one poly filled/doll beans cloth body
One original out fit designed by the artist to fit the doll.

This first edition quality portrait doll will be hand 
signed by the atist.

50% is to be sent with the contract as a down payment,
and the other 50% is to be paid before shipment of your original signed portrait doll and after final approval by of the sculpted doll. Artist will email you photos of the sculpt for your approval. Customer will also pay shipping and handling charges for each doll. This will be an additional 10% of the final cost.

Artist retains all rights to the dolls she sculpts and the molds she creates. You will be paying for her time and the cost of the resin for your original doll.
Artist also reserves the right to not accept the proposals for a sculpt of a doll if it is a size she has already sculpted, if payment is not recieved in due time, or if the artist or her family members are ill, or if the parents are  impatient or too demanding.
The artist does all of this work in her free time. She is a full time art teacher. Artist's goal is to scupt all 40 weeks of gestation.
Thank you for being interested in sharing the story of your inspiring Miracle Baby with the artist.
Your miracle baby's first name: